The Rhode Island Alternative Academy offers students and families a chance to experience success in a structured, supportive school environment.
Students engage in a hands-on, standards based curriculum that meets the graduation requirements of their sending districts. We provide clinical therapeutic support for those students who need it, and integrate behavior modification strategies throughout the school day.
Our ultimate goal is to work with students, families, and school districts to help students achieve their goals, whatever they may be.
Rhode Island Alternative Academy
Expectations for Student Learning
Students attending the Rhode Island Alternative Academy will:
Become citizens that have critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making skills.
Effectively express themselves orally and in writing.
Demonstrate active listening and careful reading to process information.
Demonstrate proficiency in the use of technology as it relates to everyday life.
Comply with rules, regulations and assume responsibility for behavior appropriate to succeed in society.
Demonstrate positive health habits, including regular physical exercise, to enhance physical and emotional well-being.
Develop a post-secondary career plan.